
Quick Look: SMS Popup

Those of us that have been around the block since Android was getting launched remember and probably still use SMS Popup. I thought with the holidays being over and so many new-to-Android users coming online everyday, maybe we should revisit some of the earliest applications.

This application comes in handy particularly on the Galaxy S devices since a lacking feature is an LED notification. I have used this application since the day I bought my G1. What makes this application so great for me is how it work- when a new message come into your phone, your screen turns on and the message is displayed on your phone. This was extremely useful when I worked at T-Mobile. I could glance over and read the message and keep working.

There is a short delay before your screen turns off again, so no fears of it eating up your battery. In the pop up you have options to reply, delete or close. There are lots of customized settings available as well. It is nice to see an application that has been around for two years still be so supported and receive updates still.

If you have never seen this application you can pick it up below.

Click or scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the SMS Popup application.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: SMS Popup
Developer: Adam K
Cost: FREE