
Quick Look: Spaghetti Marshmallows; Now You Can Play with Your Food

Remember when your parents told you to “Stop playing with your food!” I sure do. I was always building something on my plate out of peas, corn and mashed potatoes. Thanks to Fruxotic Games we now have a game that lets us play with our food.  The game is titled Spaghetti Marshmallows.

The goal of Spaghetti Marshmallows is pretty straight forward. Use marshmallows  and uncooked spaghetti noodles to build a structure that puts a marshmallow in the circle. As you progress through each level your tasks become increasingly more difficult. They even thew a frog into the mix that loves to eat your marshmallows. Take a look at the video below for a demonstration.

There are 2 versions available in the market. One is a FREE lite versions which has 9 levels available. Then there is a PAID version which like the video said, has 30 levels available to play. As always you can pick up the FREE version below. Happy building.

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the Spaghetti Marshmallow App.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Spaghetti Marshmallow
Developer: Fruxotic Games
Cost: FREE