
[Quicklook App] Communicate – Real Time Language Translator

Communicating with people is key to life, survival and understanding. Sometimes we find our selves in situations where we have absolutely no idea what the other is talking about because we don’t understand their language.  Which is to be expected from time to time.

Enter a very easy to use and functional app called Communicate, by Andrew Sapperstein and Dan Ferrara. This app allows you to talk to people who speak other languages in real time. With the simple tap of a button you can translate from English to Spanish, French, German or Italian. Once you have said what you want to say, the application translates into the selected language and speaks it out loud over the speaker of your device. Then simple tap on the button for the other person and they can speak away and it will translate back to English for you and speak the translation.

Take a look at the short demo video of the application in action.

Something else the developers did was allow you to select each language on each side of the conversation.  So this application isn’t just for us English speaking folks. You can set it German on one side and Spanish on the other. This really does make international conversation a breeze.

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the Communicate application. You can also find out info and share the application with your friends on the AndroidStory App Site.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Communicate
Developer: Andrew Sapperstein and Dan Ferrara
Cost: FREE