
Radioshack Offers Verizon Galaxy S III at Discount Price, with Coupons and Play Store Credits

I surely hope you are due for a phone upgrade right about now. Especially this time of year. Black Friday starts today, and the sales are in full effect. Radioshack has a nice little discount deal for you, if you were planning on getting a Galaxy S III phone on Verizon’s network. No need to fight with a soccer mom over this one.

For today (Nov. 23rd) and tomorrow only, you can pick up the SGSIII for $149.99 and you get a $40 statement credit. Not enough? How about a $50 Play Store credit for anything in the Play Store, and $20 back in coupons. Do the math, and that is $110 of goodies YOU get back for purchasing one of the hottest phones on the market right now. Oh yeah, and if you decide to pull out another penny, you can get another $10 in coupons. This is almost to fantastic to miss. So if you are out and a about, or thinking of driving out to the battlefield, stop by your local Radioshack and check out this deal. Let us know if you went for it.

Source: Android Guys