Seems that the CyanogenMOD team has since revamped the release of rAndy and renamed him to Cid. No, not Carrier ID, but Cid, CyanogenMOD ID.As you can see, he is a variation of the original rAndy except he has better looking eyes, a newly added mouth, removal of the robotic hands, added antennae and the re-inclusion of the skateboard.  The team elaborates on the name and the decision –
Cid (Pronounced: /si:d/):
When we started brainstorming names we wanted to pick something short, simple and fitting for the new mascot. Obviously trying to stray away from the *droid or *Andy type names we decided to pay homage to D.A.R.Y.L., B.O.B Maximillion or V.I.N.Cent and create a name that could also be an acronym.We chose C.I.D. which is short for Cyanogenmod ID, the common thread that all CyanogenMod users share; each user’s unique place in our community.
Cid makes a little more sense to me. He almost looks like a grown-up Andy if Andy were just a kid. Like, love it or hate it, this is what the new look will bring to you. What do you guys think? Is this a little better than the rAndy design? Before you rush to judgement, you may want to head to the CyanogenMOD blog and give a quick read of the entire idea and design principles.
Via CMBlog