• News
  • 5 April, 2012

rAndy gets a makeover already, Cid new CyanogenMOD Mascot

The other day David discovered the new CyanogenMOD mascot named rAndy. A rather unique and extremely different look than the traditional Android Andy that we have all grown to love so much. Peoples responses to the new logo were a bit mixed. I personally kinda liked it, while others were less than enthusiastic about rAndy.

Seems that the CyanogenMOD team has since revamped the release of rAndy and renamed him to Cid. No, not Carrier ID, but Cid, CyanogenMOD ID.As you can see, he is a variation of the original rAndy except he has better looking eyes, a newly added mouth, removal of the robotic hands, added antennae and the re-inclusion of the skateboard.  The team elaborates on the name and the decision –

Cid (Pronounced: /si:d/):
When we started brainstorming names we wanted to pick something short, simple and fitting for the new mascot. Obviously trying to stray away from the *droid or *Andy type names we decided to pay homage to D.A.R.Y.L., B.O.B Maximillion or V.I.N.Cent and create a name that could also be an acronym.

We chose C.I.D. which is short for Cyanogenmod ID, the common thread that all CyanogenMod users share; each user’s unique place in our community.

Cid makes a little more sense to me. He almost looks like a grown-up Andy if Andy were just a kid. Like, love it or hate it, this is what the new look will bring to you. What do you guys think? Is this a little better than the rAndy design? Before you rush to judgement, you may want to head to the CyanogenMOD blog and give a quick read of the entire idea and design principles.

Via CMBlog