
Razer has acquired Ouya, sort of…

Last month, we heard the murmurs that PC gaming company, Razer, was looking to acquire Ouya, the company that was briefly a Kickstarter success story with their Android game console of the same name. Today, it was officially confirmed that Razer has acquired Ouya, but it’s not quite as black and white as it seems. As Android Police confirms, Razer has only bought the software part of Ouya, namely the Ouya store which Razer is going to reappropriate as Cortex for Android TV – the hardware part of Ouya will likely never resurface, so for those of you who have one, you have something of a rare species on your hands.

As part of the deal, it appears that Ouya CEO Julie Uhrman isn’t going to be sticking around, announcing her exit on Twitter – presumably the remaining parts of the Ouya organization are going to be intergrated within Razer in one shape or another. It’s a little bit of a shame to see Ouya go like this – its emergence on Kickstarter almost seemed like the start of a renaissance for Android gaming, but obviously that wasn’t to be.

What do you think about Razer acquiring Ouya? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Twitter via Android Police