
Real Networks brings RealPlayer Cloud out for free with 2GB of Storage

RealPlayer Cloud Streaming and video sharing
Real Networks has announced, and subsequently released, RealPlayer Cloud to the world today. Giving Android, iOS, PC’s Roku and popular web browsers yet another place to upload, share and watch those priceless videos you undoubtedly have stored all over the place.

The new RealPlayer Cloud app does what most cloud solutions do, but the focus isn’t on documents and photos, it is on videos. Once uploaded to the cloud users can share them with friends and family and of course stream them to any number of compatible devices through the app or directly in the browser.

Rob Glaser, founder and interim CEO of RealNetworks, “RealPlayer Cloud is a breakthrough product that gives consumers a seamless and easy way to move, watch, save, and share their videos across all their devices. In short, we’ve made video easy.”

As Rob points out, RealPlayer Cloud lets you do quite a bit more than just upload a video and watch it. If you have connected device on the same Wi-Fi network they can see each other and share and download videos. If you are going to hit the road or know you will be stuck without a data connection, you can download the video for offline viewing. It gets a little better, you can add any video in any format to the RealPlayer cloud. This includes FLV, WMV, MKV, DIVX, XVID, MOV, AVI and MP4. The player will automatically adjust the video for the device screen size, bandwidth and device type. Not a bad set up really.

RealPlayer Cloud Streaming and video sharing RealPlayer Cloud Streaming and video sharing RealPlayer Cloud Streaming and video sharing
To cap off the RealPlayer Cloud capabilities, and one of the more important aspects for many, is that you can privately share videos. No more uploading to YouTube and making it private and sending out links. Not that many of you Android specialist do that anyways. However, it is just as nice to be able to sent a video link to family or friends that, when clicked, just opens and plays the video.


The final bit is about the storage space itself. RealPlayer Cloud offers every subscriber 2GB of cloud storage for free. They also don’t have a file size limit to your upload. If you are a video junkie and need more storage, additional space starts at $4.99.

If you want to give it a test spin you can hit the link below to head straight to the Play Store and pick it up for free. You can go check it out for all your devices at the Real website.

RealPlayer Cloud Play Store Link

On a side note, RealPlayer Cloud is currently only available in the U.S. and Canada. At least, that is what I am reading.

Via AndroidCommunityÂ