
Respite is in sight: Nexus 5 camera bug will likely be eliminated for good in Android L

Nexus 5 camera bugThe Nexus 5 camera bug is one of the best documented issues on Android KitKat and despite several fixes that have alleviated a lot of the outcry when the bug was first found, there are still people suffering from the debilitating issue, battery draining and all. Well, it seems there is good news for those of you still suffering as the specific issue that relates to the Nexus 5 camera bug has been marked as “Fixed” in the Google Issue Tracker and has been earmarked to be included in a future release, which we’re assuming is Android L.

While the camera part of the issue was resolved for many people in Android 4.4.3, the battery draining due to 100% CPU loads often remained, though it appears Google has now found a fix. Interestingly, this issue has only ever affected the Nexus 5, so only it will receive the fix, but for those who have been struggling with the bug, you’ll be glad to know that salvation is only a few weeks away – or at least, that’s what the rumours tell us.

Are you still living with the Nexus 5 camera bug? Let us know your thoughts on the release of a fix.

Source: Google Issue Tracker via Phandroid