
ROM – @abhi0n0nakul ABHI RHD – 2.3.3 stock/sense hybrid v1 for HTC Nexus One/ Google Nexus One

abhi0n0nakul has released an update to ABHI RHD – 2.3.3 stock/sense hybrid v1. The latest version is now v1.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Nexus One: Google Nexus One

Untitled document

1.very fast.
2. desensinized… sense homescreen removed
3. adw launcher added
4. sense 3.0 lockscreen , but its not customizable.. atleast better than stock..
if anybody wants i can also make sense 2.1 lockscreen addon zip
5. 720p hd video recording (sense 3.0 camera)
6. titanium backup
7. wifi tethering
8. cm wallpapers
9. secret wallpaper 2 , in addition to stock lwp
10. no more lag in dropping notification bar
11. htc widgets,home,hub,likes,location… etc removed
12. ownhere modded gmaps 5.5 worldwide navigation
13. rolle you tube app (download youtube video from the app itself)

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