
ROM – @baadnwz InsertCoin 4.0.1 IceCreamSandwich Sense 3.5 BEATS for HTC Sensation

baadnewz has released an update to InsertCoin 4.0.1 IceCreamSandwich Sense 3.5 BEATS. The latest version is now 1.0.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Sensation

Changelog: 1st version !

What you get:

Base: 3.06.401.101 CL234376 test-keys
Init.d support
Some Tweaks 
Latest market app. 
Improved GPS
Stuff i forgot 

Before wiping DO A BACKUP
Before flashing keep in mind that this is based on an EARLY TEST BUILD. 
Thou I tested it and all seems to be working, BUGS may occur. as mentioned before it has an EARLY TEST BUILD as starting point. 

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