
ROM – @blackwing182 IceColdSandwich for HTC myTouch 4G (Glacier)/ T-Mobile

blackwing182 has released an update to IceColdSandwich. The latest version is now 6.0.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC myTouch 4G (Glacier): T-Mobile

QVGA video recording works 
Added New Qualcomm Adreno Grafics Lib
aded wifi fix ( now it used Wlan0, way more better to port rom ) 
added new propietary camera libs and new camera hall( Thanx to Firesnatch for his awsome work )
fixed mic with new audio drivers so now they are in use
added DSPManager back
fixed touchscreen in games 
added Lockscreen text color option – AOKP
added option to disable Lockscreen for profiles – CM
added custom vibration option for Messaging – CM
added in Settings/About – CPU type, Total Memory – CPU
alternate layout for Croatian input
added calendar events to Lockscreen option – AOKP
added gingerbread style lockscreen – AOKP
fixed 12/24h selection bug
fixes trough out Settings
added Dual-pane option – from Twistedumbrella
partially fixed pattern lockscreen not fully visable in landscape on 240dpi, use less customization for lockscreen if you need pattern to be 100% visible
updated gpu libs to latest Adreno – smooth as new silicon boobs
enabled tilerendering in build.prop by default – if graphical bugs arise or random reboots, set enabletr to false
added Volume option setting in ROMControl – AOKP
NovaLauncher updated to 1.0.2 final
GooManager updated to 1.5.4
updates to Trebuchet
updated apps
Back camera works
replaced Email and Exchange with apps from gapps – could fix Exchange bug, if you experience Email FC on first boot, just reboot
fixed APN editing issue – thanks to existz for pointing me to CM fix

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