
ROM – @DAGr8 ICS 4.03 Multi -DPI Alpha II for Samsung Galaxy Note I717/ AT&T

DAGr8 has released an update to ICS 4.03 Multi -DPI Alpha II. The latest version is now Alpha II.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– Samsung Galaxy Note I717: AT&T

Alpha II Changelogs

ATT Debloated (samsung apps still there )
TWLauncher 6 icons in dock (TW with landscape available attached ) <———–
Multi-DPI (dont try 200 it will fc systemui.apk , it does this on stock )
Replaced boot animation with stock SAMSUNG one .

Apex Launcher .
Quickboot ( for reboot option )

Alpha I changelogs

Important info:
We have no source for this kernel , dont expect source before an official Release of ICS , at that point we will be able to request it from samsung and they usually oblige in a timely manner .

What does that mean ?

No OC kernel .

This will NOT update your bootloader So you will be able to revert to your back up or to my rom

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