
ROM – @Dan_Brutal Malice v4.1 for Samsung Galaxy S/ T-Mobile Vibrant

Dan_Brutal has released an update to Malice v4.1. The latest version is now v4.1.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– Samsung Galaxy S: T-Mobile Vibrant

Untitled document

New! 7/20/11
-New Bullet kernel: Voodoo goodies, OC/1.420, Smartass and Interactive scaling
-Fixed phone FC
-Removed wifi calling because of the phone FC
-Removed TW launcher, I will provide a link to the launcher for those of you who use it.
-Removed Gingerbread launcher
-Added Launcher 2
-Added black transparent Google search widget by request
-More theming
-New Animations 
-Added SGS2 SMS app
-Slimmed down a bit.
-I think there`s more, but I cant remember.

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