
ROM – @designgears Cognition 4.5.1 for Samsung Galaxy S (i897)/ AT&T Captivate

designgears has released an update to Cognition 4.5.1. The latest version is now 4.5.1.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– Samsung Galaxy S (i897): AT&T Captivate

Untitled document

Cognition v4.5.1 Changelog: (6/2/2011)
Added Google Search (fixes search button not working, app hasn`t been updates in 8 months)
Revised Cog App Installer
-runs as normal app now
-removed Google Search

Cognition v4.5 Changelog: (6/1/2011)
No-wipe upgrading is back!
Completely re-written installer script
Fixed formatting issue causing FC`s after reboot
Added Modded Camera.apk (power to take picture, tap to focus)
Added Cog Apps Installer (market searcher)
Removed from rom, installable via Cog Apps Installer:
Flash Player
Google Docs
Google Maps
Google Voice
Rom Manager (Premium)
Street View on Google Maps
Titanium Backup (Pro)
Voodoo Control (Plus)
Voice Search

Head over to designgears’s CommunityRelease Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.