
ROM – @explodingboy70 Simply Honey 3.6 Revolution for Samsung Galaxy S/ T-Mobile Vibrant

explodingboy70 has released an update to Simply Honey 3.6 Revolution. The latest version is now 3.6.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– Samsung Galaxy S: T-Mobile Vibrant

Untitled document

Change Log:

– Based on 2.3.3 JVO
– Bullet JVO 1.2 GhZ Voodoo Kernel 
– Simply Honey Theme V3 (by EB70 & DAGr8)
– Fixed Modem Flashing
– Fixed updater-script (now faster and more interactive)
– Updated some CSCs (with JVO)
– Bluetooth and FF Camera fixes (still FFC rotated)
– Nexus S GPS Driver (faster and more accurate)(STILL NOT WORKING ON VIBRANT)
– Simply Tweaks in init.d (smoothness and responsiveness)
– Hacked JVO Browser
– Removed Hacked Camera for now (will add in next update, soon)
– Removed Auto rotating Dialer and Phone (will add in next update)
– Maps 5.5.0 OwnHere (navigation all roads)
– Removed Microbes LWP (issues with 9 locks)
– Removed EXT4 App (now lagfix from CWM)
– Stay Awake While Plugged In
– USB Audio Dock Options
– Added MIUI Music as a Second player to go with the additional lockscreens.
– Updated Apps
a lot that i have forgot (as usually)

Head over to explodingboy70’s CommunityRelease Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.