
ROM – @h0llyw00dj0e gingerbread-evo-deck for HTC Evo/ Sprint EVO

kushdeck has released an update to gingerbread-evo-deck . The latest version is now 1.3b2.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Evo: Sprint EVO

Untitled document

1.3b2 build is based off 2.3.5. (Thanks cm team) and cm kernel (thanks cm team). And YES it has Wimax AND HDMI Mirroring. (thanks teamwin)

1.3b build is based off 2.3.5. (Thanks cm team) and cm kernel (thanks cm team). And YES it has Wimax AND HDMI Mirroring. (thanks teamwin)

*1.2x changelog*

*supersonic only*–New gps driver. Gps should finally be fixed for everybody. -Thanks galandy
*speedy only*–update kernel and prop files.
*glacier only*–update kernel and prop files.
*glacier only*–isl29028: Exposes `polling_ignore_enabled` to userspace via sysfs.
*glacier only*–ts: synapticts 3k: roll back to 2.6.32 driver.
–Notification Dropdown is now transparent. -Thank PhantomPhreak53 for getting me to do it :P
–Include: media: Fix DEVICE_OUT_HDMI definition, drop extra zero.
–Sun Base64 deprecated and useless.
–libncurses not required to build adb, and libncurses5 is no more compatible on debian testing.
–Fix sdk tools_r11 compilation (new Exceptions).
–Fix onStartCommand() not being called with null intent.
–Add into jni the possibility to seek freq. for FM Radio Station.
–Fix for widget airplane mode 4g toggle to match fix for powerwidget.
–Cleanup of lock screen widget code: – Don`t duplicate stringToLongArray function, put it in Settings class instead – Remove unused argument from vibrate() function – Don`t hardcode time format strings, use DateFormat class instead – Also use DateFormat.
–Set sftp-server path to /system/xbin.
–Hide the password from ps or /proc/cmdline.
–New DROPBEAR_HOME config constant.
–Added the efs partition to the do not format list since this holds the imei info.
–V8: Stop generating v8.log in build root directory.
–V8: Preemptive Garbage Collection API.
–WEBKIT: Pre-emptive and Idle-time Garbage Collection.
–Fix for flash based video crash in browser.

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