
ROM – @JonathanAlvey51 Starburst for Samsung Galaxy S II/ Sprint Epic 4G Touch

PhantomHacker has released an update to Starburst. The latest version is now 1.9.8r.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– Samsung Galaxy S II: Sprint Epic 4G Touch


Updated to v1.9.8r
Themed MMS.apk
Raised MMS Send Limit to 5mb
Removed Leftover Blue
Roboto Font
Updated Hosts
Reverted Back to lostless kernel (for now)
Speed Tweaks (Much Snappier)
Updated Scripts
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Random Reboots! (From my testing, they are fixed)
Fixed Lockscreen Clock Bug
Fixed FC`s
Fixed Google Music Issue
Removed AOSP Email (Was causing conflicts)
Fixed Screen Awake Delay? (I need feedback on this)
Removed CRT Animation (For Now)
Other minor bug fixes

Flash over 1.9
Updated to v1.9.5
Changed most blue to green
Added AOSP Email
Optimized APKs
Fixed most bugs – There are still a few, such as the lockscreen clock bug (not sure what is causing this)
Improved Screen Scrolling

Updated to v1.9
Updated LockMod – thanks maddoggin and crawj
Reboot Options
Updated Host Files
More Battery Tweaks
Updated Scripts
Added ROM Toolbox by JRummy16
Other Tweaks and Optimizations
There will be another update Sunday, as usual.
*Forgot to add in SIP, will be in update

Updated to v1.8
Finished Theme
Removed Apps and Processes to Conserve Battery Life
Apps Removed:
More Sprint Bloat

Added Live Wallpaper
Added FAQ Section to Thread

Updated to v1.7
Bundled with LoStless Kernel Stable
Added 1x Mod – thanks to nivron
Added Native SIP Integration
Bug Fixes
Do NOT use 4tab locksreen, it is still being worked on and may cause hot reboots

Updated to v1.6
Chris41g`s LoStKernel
Removed DRM Processes (Should Lower Android System Usage)
SIP Enabled (VoIP 3G and WiFi)
Modified Auto-Brightness To Conserve Battery
Added ICS Wallpaper
Fully Silenced Camera and Use Vol Buttons to Take Picture
Added DSP Manager
Updated To Newest SuperUser.apk
Build.Prop Tweaks
Speed Tweaks

Updated to v1.5
LockMod Added thanks to crawlj and maddoggin
Wifi HotSpot Hack Added thanks to Necrosan
Advanced UI Menu (Settings) thanks to crawlj and maddoggin
Reboot Option
Silenced Camera
Theme Updated
Bug Fixes

Updated to v1.4
Updated kernel to eg30Plus Stock Kernel w/ ClockworkMod 5 (Compiled by bubby323)- thanks to chris41g and bubby323
CIQ Removed- thanks to k0nane
Modded Camera(no beep on focus)- thanks to kcbedo
UA Browser MOD (Change UA string under browser settings) – thanks to nobrakes
Removed Netflix and WifiTether
Bigger update will come soon!

Updated to v1.3
Kernel is now Stock (from Zedomax)
SD Card speed tweak
Battery auto-calibration script (Thanks to seo)
Zipalign on boot /data
init.d scripts support
Build.prop tweaks
Added: (Read further to install, will be fixed so you don`t have to do this in the next release)
Auto-Rotating Netflix
Wifi Tether 3.1-beta6
To install above apps: Download ES File Explorer. Go to settings check root explorer and mount file system. Then navigate to /data/app and install from there.

Forgot to edit build prop so it will still say v1.1
Updated to StarBurst v1.2
Updated Theme
Further Bug Fixes

Updated to StarBurst v1.1
First Look at Gingerwiz theme
Updated Superuser.apk to 3.0
Updated to latest market
Bug Fixes:
Ad Host should be working now
Overscroll should now be enabled

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