
ROM – @kristofpetho HyperSensation-CM7.1 for HTC Sensation

kristofpetho has released an update to HyperSensation-CM7.1. The latest version is now 1.2.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Sensation

HyperSensation v1.2F and v1.2M changelog, released 2011.12.01.

– reverted back to stock 240 LCD density
– updated Market to latest stable version
– fixed compatibility issues with some games (9mm, Order and Chaos, etc) – thanks to DeoreDX for the tip!

HyperSensation v1.1F and v1.1M changelog, released 2011.12.01.

– Fixed home screen search function
– LCD Density set to 204, it works just fine now
– Downgraded Market to 2.3.6 (smaller size, same functionality) – DO NOT UPDATE THE MARKET!
– Updated GApps
– Updated a lot of themeing, mostly from Andoird 4.0, with the help of Splder
– Added back in Music player and DSP Manager
– Updated K9 Mail
– Updated QuickPic
– Removed default bookmarks from Browser
– Changed ROM identifier for maximum compatibility

HyperSensation v1.0F and v1.0M changelog, released 2011.11.22.

– Implemented custom app install!!!
(If you want any custom apps installed automatically on first boot, place the apk files into the data/app folder in the ROM zip! )
– LCD Density set back to stock 240… too many errors and graphical glitches with anything else…
– Updated Superuser to latest version (3.0.7)
– Added Sony Bravia Engine for photo and video decoding
– Updated Market to latest version (3.3.12)
– Fixed indeterminate progress bar, normal progress/volume bar remains ICS
– Fixed F version keyboard issue
– Removed AOSP Gallery3D due to extreme battery drain, replaced with QuickPic (I will revert to stock Gallery3D once the battery drain is gone)
– Updated K9 Mail (v1.0M only)
– Removed CM7 Music Player + DSP Manager (flashable through update in post #3)

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HyperSensation v0.9F and v0.9M changelog, released 2011.11.20.

– Tweaked colors / theme / icons even more for a thorough nice professional look
– ICS style volume/progress bar
– Tweaked auto-backlight settings to be more conservative (lowered all values) – saves battery
– LCD density is now defaulted to 204 (patch to revert to stock 240 can be found in post no.3)
– Reverted Market so that LCD density 204 works fine (patch to revert to stock 3.3.11 can be found in post no.3)
– Cleaned init.d directory, as too many tweaks just messed up the system overall
– Updated superuser
– Updated K9 Mail
– Updated Keyboard to ICS version (multitouch keyboard!) and rethemed it
– Further cleaned un-needed libraries and resource-hogging background services (-6Mb!!!)
– Modified MMS.apk for message bubbles

If you are having windows sizing/resizing issues with the lower LCD Density, go into Spare Parts and disable Compatibility mode and then reboot!

HyperSensation v0.9F: Download HERE (dedicated server)
Keyboard patch (fixes transparent popups) for v0.9F: Download HERE (flash through CWM and reboot)

HyperSensation v0.9M (minimalistic version): Download HERE (dedicated server)
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HyperSensation v0.8F and v0.8M changelog, released 2011.11.07.
This is an update! If you are coming from v0.7, just clear cache and Dalvik cache and install. No need for a superwipe.

– Updated Market to latest stable 3.3.11
– Added back in all fonts, for full character compatibility
– Tweaked colors (reverted to black-white-grey) and icons, thanks to Splder
– Added sqlite3 optimizations in init.d (faster database read/writes)
– Added script to set GPU IO fraction to 50 (thanks to faux) (better performance)
– Updated K9 Mail to latest version

HyperSensation v0.8F 2485 downloads
HyperSensation v0.8M (minimalistic version) 891 downloads

HyperSensation v0.7F and v0.7M changelog, released 2011.11.02.

– Updated base build to CM7 alpha 10
– Updated font to Roboto (ICS) – full character support, including German
– Removed large font files (Far eastern, fallback, etc) – if you need them, you will find them in the Addons sectionof post #3
– Market reverted to 3.1.6 (latest stable release) for 100% compatibility
– Fixed issue in Market where you could not buy any apps
– Updated K9 Mail (v0.7M)
– Themeing: buttons look a lot nicer (thanks to Splder), icon refinements and additions, added in blue here-and there (goes well with the background)
– Cleaned the ROM even more

HyperSensation v0.7F 1141 downloads
HyperSensation v0.7M (minimalistic version) 282 downloads

HyperSensation v0.6F and v0.6M changelog, released 2011.10.27.

– Fixed Market bug, now all apps are seen when searched for
– 720p video recording video and audio quality increased drastically
– Updated Market to ICS Market (3.2.0)
– Updated Superuser to 3.0.6
– Updated K9 Mail to latest version (v0.6M)
– Updated font to Segoe UI – better readability
– Updated support fonts for readability of Far Eastern characters (Thai, Chinese, etc)
– ICS Minimalistic theme implementation – (buttons are not so grey, divider line deleted, etc) – its minor cosmetic changes for now…

HyperSensation v0.6F 1202 downloads
HyperSensation v0.6M (minimalistic version) 213 downloads

HyperSensation v0.5F and v0.5M changelog, released 2011.10.19.

– Updated to base CM7.1 alpha 9
– Fixed rotary lockscreen graphics bug

HyperSensation v0.5F 1596 dlownloads
HyperSensation v0.5M (minimalistic version) 364 downloads

HyperSensation v0.4F and v0.4M changelog, released 2011.10.18.

– Switched back to stock AOSP fonts for full character compatibility
– Added automatic zipalign on every boot (checks if all your apps are zipaligned and if not, it does it for you!) – thanks to doctorcete
– New deep blue default wallpaper (native qHD resolution, not streched like other CM wallpapers)
– White progressbar added in (finally!)
– Removed blue icons on lockscreen and replaced with white
– Reverted to Market 3.1.5 (stock CM), will hopefully solve all bugs related to the Market
– Added extra fast/smooth init.d scripts (thanks goes to knzo)
– Tweaked build.prop even more
– Deleted Dev Tools
– Deleted Google Talk (you`ll probably use Google+ anyways…)
– TTS Service working now (Only v0.4F)

HyperSensation v0.4F: 263 downloads
HyperSensation v0.4M (minimalistic version): 76 downloads

HyperSensation v0.3 (70Mb), 424 downloads

Tweaked theme for a professional look (framework-res, systemui and phone) – more tweaks will follow
– White overscroll effect
– Removed (hopefully) all green and replaced with white (except bluetooth during call, where things are still blue to be unique)
– Check post #1 screenshots to see what it looks like
– Theme chooser and manager added back in (on request)
– TTS Service added back in (on request)

HyperSensation v0.3M (minimalistic version) (64Mb), 48 downloads

Tweaked theme for a professional look (framework-res, systemui and phone) – more tweaks will follow
– White overscroll effect
– Removed (hopefully) all green and replaced with white (except bluetooth during call, where things are still blue to be unique)
– Check post #1 screenshots to see what it looks like

HyperSensation v0.2 (70Mb), 396 downloads

– Added GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk, on request
– Updated AGPS patch to v2.2
– Added back full LatinIME for working predictive texting

HyperSensation v0.2M (minimalist version) (64Mb), 146 downloads

– Changed the default launcher to LauncherPro
– Removed default email client
– Added K9 Mail as email client
– Updated AGPS patch to v2.2

HyperSensation v0.1, released 2011.10.14.
Before first install, be sure to do a full wipe!

– Based on CM7.1 alpha8 (base 2.3.7)
– Removed a lot of apps, you can install them from the market (Google Maps, themes, wallpapers, etc)
– Removed dictionaries from LatinIME (600Kb instead of 11Mb!, remember to disable predictive text, otherwise you will get FC`s)
– Tweaks implemented from vladnosferatu
– Tweaked camera app for no jpg compression, pictures are now around 4-5Mb!
– Tweaked camcorder to capture in 720p instead of 1080p, I have not had one single FC yet…
– Added new fonts for better readability
– Added AGPS patch by crypted
– Added hosts file
– Added Nexus Prime boot animation by mexxxico
– Added Google Apps to the CM base
– Updated Market to 3.2 (ICS compatible)

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