
ROM – @ladyboo LADY MIUI MUTILANGUAGE V12.B – BUILD 1.6.10 – MAG/cLK for HTC Leo/ T-Mobile HD2


ladyboo has released an update to LADY MIUI MUTILANGUAGE V12.B – BUILD 1.6.3 – MAG/cLK. The latest version is now 12.B.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Leo: T-Mobile HD2


Change Log:

1) build V11 English only for now miui 1.6.10..
added a2sd script,added speed tweaks, ,theme manger no fc,fixed litte things
2) build V12 Multilangue added, a2sd script, speed tweaks,fixed Little bugs,no fc theme robovoice anymore atleast its
workin for me,cant say about other devices
3) build 12.a updated to latest gps filesfor better lock..updated the latest theme manger fix, added voice search back..tweaked rom little and some other little things
4)build 12.B Revert back to GPS 1.1,updated Langue pack to latest build



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