
ROM – @LeeDroid LeeDrOiD HD V3.0.3 GB for HTC Desire HD

LeeDroid has released an update to LeeDrOiD HD V3.0.3 GB. The latest version is now 3.0.3.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Desire HD

Untitled document

Change Log 

Thread & Addon update – 20th May

  • Fresh build of both V3.1.1 Kernel versions – Powersave governor now included
  • Updated Full wipe to EXT4 patch (fixed cache to ext4)
  • Added Cache (EXT4) & Dalvik cache cleaner (Thanks spyr0s)
  • Updated the All in 1 Sense 3.0 addon (Thanks to seo)

LeeDrOiD Ace GB Kernel V3.1.1 – 16th May 12:40pm

  • WiFi Hotspot fixed
  • OnDemand Governor as included module (Avoids default gov override)
  • Smartass CPU Governor now as default
  • Several config cleanups
  • Memory leak fixed in CPUFREQ Stats
  • Corrected dimensions and output of frame buffer
  • Increased memory allocation to Camera & GPU (Test)
  • More minor Video driver tweaks
  • Now in 2 flavours EXT3 or EXT4 (LeeDrOiD Users) (compatable with all GB ROM`s)

LeeDrOiD Ace GB Kernel V3.1.0 – 16th May 2:00am

  • *= Use setcpu
  • Based on the Official HTC ace-2.6.35-gb-MR source
  • Patched from the ground up (No merges)
  • Patched to Linux upstream >
  • Built using LZMA compression
  • Max O/C 1.8GHz (245MHz – 1036MHz default)*
  • Availalbe CPU Governors – Smartass, Interactive, OnDemand, Conservative & Performance*
  • OnDemand is default for now, select “smartass is recomended and can be set in setcpu
  • SYSFS VDD Levels interface (Change CPU voltage on the fly, refer to the FAQ)
  • Availalbe I/O Schedulers – Deadline, noop, CFQ, BFQ & VR (VR as default)
  • SLQB Memory allocator
  • WIFI PM = FAST in standby
  • Tun module for OpenVPN
  • Full CIFS & nls_utf8 support
  • GPU & Video driver tweaks
  • Audio boosts – 10% & 25% main speaker
  • Huge code cleanups
  • Heavily optimized
  • Packed to be flashed on an EXT4 based ROM (LeeDrOiD 3.X.X)
  • If you use a non EXT4 based ROM, mount the system partition in recovery prior to flashing
  • SD Card spped tweak included
  • My Kernel source on GitHub


  • Kernel Update – LeeDrOiD Ace V3.0.3 GB –
  • KERNEL – Added 2 way call recording (avs333)
  • KERNEL – Added BFS I/O Scheduler V2.1
  • KERNEL – Fixed and added VDD Levels interface (refer to the FAQ)
  • KERNEL – More cleanups & Optimizations
  • Switched to EXT4 across all partitions
  • SDcard speed boost tweak applied on boot
  • Default install location forced to internal
  • Fixed: Browse all HTC widgets FC
  • Fixed: browser flash support (again)
  • Re-added HTC tips widget (caused the above fc  )
  • Patched transparency in notifacation pull down
  • Build.prop edits – Official GB market identifacation
  • Increased max bitrate caps for video capture (Test)
  • Included Call recording app by skvalex
  • Temporarily removed Stocks until FC is resolved
  • Updated all addons and patches Please re-download


Head over to LeeDroid’s CommunityRelease Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.