
ROM – @Liquid0624 Liquid Thunderbread v2.5 for HTC Thunderbolt/ Verizon Thunderbolt

Liquid0624 has released an update to Liquid Thunderbread v2.5. The latest version is now 2.5.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Thunderbolt: Verizon Thunderbolt

Untitled document

*********************************** v2.5 Changelog (07/30/11) ********************************** * VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE! (PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING BELOW INSTALLING) * MUST WIPE DATA, CACHE AND DALVIK ONCE! (IF YOU DON`T WIPE ISSUES CAN ARISE YOU`VE BEEN WARNED) * TITANIUM RESTORE USER APPS WITH THE DATA! (IF YOU DO THIS ISSUES CAN ARISE YOU`VE BEEN WARNED) ************************************************************************************************

updated android market v3.0.27 (credit google) updated titanium backup v3.9.0.1 (credit joel bourquard) clock hidden when lockscreen is lense style (credit cyanogen) option to switch to go launcher added to switch (credit liquid) option to enable or disable second reboot prompt (credit liquid) rotary, sense and lense transparent bgs reverted (credit liquid) system and data apks are now zipaligned on startup (credit liquid) new alternate apps uploaded to server for switcher (credit liquid) images were optimized & system apps all zipaligned (credit liquid) search key custom app starter bug is now fixed (credit sven dawitz) updated inverted gmail v2.3.5 available in switch (credit ecsnead69) overclocking fixed; now remembers values after reboot (credit liquid) option to display signal text instead of signal bars (credit romanbb) option to disable lockscreen while security is enabled (credit danez) wifi scan interval timeout value bug is now fixed (credit jbirdvegas) removed gmail from rom; updated gmail v2.3.5 in switch (credit google) red option for led notifications and mixable dual leds (credit ladios) do not show slider lock in front of sim-pin secure entry (credit danez) incoming ring notification and per contact ringers fixed (credit dannyb) limit for slider state for devices with physical keyboards (credit rmcc) various improvements made to lockscreen background option (credit danesh) option to change color of the signal text in color changer (credit liquid) added benchmark overclocking profile and reconfigured others (credit liquid) new system tweaks and startup/overclocking tweaks (credit liquid & saxadroid) (droidx) camera button can now be used with miui camera in switch (credit miui) (droidx) the latest cm4dx camera and camcorder fix included (credit razorloves) (thunderbread) fixed issue with ringtones not repeating and gps (credit slayher) (thunderbread) tiamat v1.04 aosp kernel with smartass governor (credit cayniarb) (thunderbread) market build fingerprint updated to GRJ90 release (credit liquid) boot switch new layout and 18 new animations available (credit liquid & liquidzgrl) android v2.3.5 gingerbread source built and synced as of 07/30 (credit cm & google)

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