
ROM – @nightshack0 WeUI ICS 4.0.4 MIUIv4 for Samsung Galaxy S/ T-Mobile Vibrant

nightshack0 has released an update to WeUI ICS 4.0.4 MIUIv4. The latest version is now 0.9.8.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– Samsung Galaxy S: T-Mobile Vibrant

v0.9.8 (Data wipe needed for this release) * Installer now remembers your last installation settings if using "Customize Previous Installation" feature * Fixed incoming calls and RIL problems * Signed missing apks which resulted in missing apps like Gallery, Car Home, etc * Installer script changes and fixes * Updated Semaphore to 1.0.0 (Captivate) * Updated NStools * SuperSU icon changed to Permission Manager * Some other changes

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