
ROM – @NilsP Business GingerSense for HTC Droid Incredible

NilsP has released an update to Business GingerSense. The latest version is now 1.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Droid Incredible

Untitled document

Change log:

Version 1.0
* Initial release


  • Extended Power Menu (with 4 in 1 reboot)
  • Quick Settings tab in notifications menu
  • HTC Kingdom lockscreen with buttons (Phone, Mail, Camera, Messages)
  • Sense 3.0 MMS/SMS application
  • Sense 3.0 USB Menu
  • Sense 3.0 Task Manager
  • Polaris Office (replaces QuickOffice)
  • Colorized Icons (Based on mine plus thanks to various XDA users)
  • Latest Google apps from market,
  • ROM Manager,
  • SuperUser,
  • DSP Manager (EQ)
  • Rooted
  • ZipAligned
  • Check Settings > Applications for what can easily be removed



Head over to NilsP’s CommunityRelease Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.