
ROM – @nitroglycerin33 Eclipse for Motorola Droid X2

nitroglycerine33 has released an update to Eclipse. The latest version is now V0.5.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– Motorola Droid X2

v0.5 Changelog
Fixed mms audio/video attachments
Changed mms max size from 300kb to 1200kb
Fixed AOSP email notifications force close
Added AOSP Sound recorder
Moto Task manager added back in
Updated Google Apps and market apps
Added Superuser 3 beta
Moved Adobe Flash installation to data/app – If it is installed to preinstall you should uninstall it first
Added an accurate battery (Thanks nottach for the source code)
Fixed signal issues due to 3g tweaks
Misc cleanup/removal of unused items
Added in Navenedrobs sd card flip flop. This does not wipe your data – only changes the fstab mounting points More info
Added in Navendrobs init.d midrange script More info

*Note – Now that the system reports in 1% increments you should either flash when at 100% and/or recalibrate your battery. If you get bad battery life try changing out the cpu frequencies in the init.d script. A wipe is recommended for this version.Features/Changelog:

v0.4 Changelog (8/29/11)
Fixed signature errors when updating apps from market
Moved adw to system/app (which means remove it from data/app if you do not wipe)
Removed Blur Cardock and mediadock/deskclock
Added in AOSP Cardock/Deskclock – When placing phone on dock it will launch the appropiate dock (car/media)
Added in TeslaLED flashlight
Fixed gingerbread keyboard typos
Added in some custom qHD wallpapers – wallpaper app from CM7 (credits to various wallpaper artists that I have collected over time. I know manup is one of them)
Even added in wallpapers for the ladies (mainly for my wife lol)

v0.3 Changelog (8/28/11)
Removed Moto Blur Accounts
Removed Blur Email
Removed Blur Alarm Clock
Removed Blur Messaging
Removed Blur Camera and Gallery
Removed Blur Home and Setup
Removed Blur Camera
Removed Blur Performance Manager
Removed Blur Social App
Removed Backup Assistant
Cleaned up framework
Added in Friendcaster for Facebook sync (installed as a market app to data/app for easy removal)
Replaced Launcher2 with ADW Launcher 
Added in AOSP Email
Added in AOSP Account and sync settings
Added back in AOSP Messaging
Added back in AOSP Deskclock/Alarm Clock
Added in AOSP Calendar
Added in AOSP Camera
Added in AOSP 3D Gallery
AOSP apps are from CM7 source and reworked for the x2 frameworks
Accounts in now found in the App Drawer (Will be added to settings later)
Gingerbread keyboard replaces moto stock LatinIME keyboard
Themed In call dialer/phone
local.prop edit to keep launcher in memory
Themed Dialer.apk to look more like gingerbread (some images from GingerAle)
Inverted Settings to black with white font
Added in init.d support *Credits Navenedrob!!
Imoseyon tweaks init script
Zeppelinrox 3G booster preinstalled Link
Added in some additional prop edits
Start Wizard is optional and no longer tied to blur setup
Droid Bionic bootanimation
Updated to latest market

*Note – Some blur accounts (yahoo, moto services, corp sync) will still show up in Accounts. If you click them they will do nothing. I am not able to remove them at this time as it breaks contacts. You can also remove the preset Verizon contacts in here as well. 

v0.2.2 Changelog (8/17/11)
Accounts issue should now be resolved
Added back in stock camera (resolve FCs from D3 camera)
Added back in BlurAlarm clock by request
Added back in BlurTasks by request
Added back in blur Messaging app by request
Moved Spare Parts to settings
Removed Usage Statistics from Spare Parts (Doesn`t work on GB)
A larger update will be coming soon 🙂

v0.2.1 Changelog (8/9/11)
Fixed media not being recognized (audio/video playback)

v0.2 Changelog (8/9/11)
Added Reboot options
Started on a GB theme
AOSP Deskclock
AOSP/CM7 File Manager
Added in Google Voice
Added back in Voice Commands
Installed new market
Added back in QuickOffice
Hid Accounts launcher – Can be accessed from settings
Removed more unneeded apps and services
Status pull down tweaks
*I know I am forgetting other changes I have made

v0.1 Initial Release (8/2/11)
Based off of OTA GB release
zip aligned
Added CRT animation (If not working enable all animations in settings)
Rooted (duh)
DSP Manager
AOSP Google Music
Added Spare Parts
Host file to block ads
GB style battery
Removed Backup Assistant launcher
Thin progress bars
Wifi Scanning increased to two minutes
gps config to use US satellites instead of North America

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