
ROM – @Official_EDT Trigger GS4G 0.4 for Samsung Galaxy S 4G

EDT has released an update to Trigger GS4G 0.4. The latest version is now 0.4.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– Samsung Galaxy S 4G

Untitled document




-inlcuded bali kernel (thanks drhonk)

— this allows init.d to work which allows tweaks to be executed properly

— also allows my permission script to run, it will fix your permissions every time you reboot

– no more FCs, all apps work on first boot



-settings restored (had the lockscreen one, causing issues)

-framework restored (same thing, left in the lockscreen one)

-both of these fixed the Mms crashing issue

-you must mount system, data, and cache for it to flash properly.


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