
ROM – @OhgamiIchiro Salsa Slide Final 1.00 for HTC Slide/ T-Mobile MyTouch 3G Slide

Ohgami_Ichiro has released an update to Salsa Slide Final 1.00. The latest version is now 1.00.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Slide: T-Mobile MyTouch 3G Slide

Untitled document


Final 1.00

Bug Fixes

Beta 4.0

Landscape Fixed!

Beta 3.2

WiFi Stability
…and back by Popular Demand:
Slate Skin apk! (Cheers)

Beta 3.0

Rebuilt using Asian Release 1.12
GPS Fixed!
WiFi Calling Added!
Deleted apps restored.
a2ext added use ext3

Beta 2.0.1
Minor Revision – Superuser Fixed (Do NOT update using market for now)

Beta 2.0

Rebuilt from European 1.12 Release Version
Protected Apps
? And SYM keys
Backups work now

Apps Removed for space:

You can just DL them from Market:
voice search

htc Bloatware:
htc Reccomends
Icon G Transfer Wizard

Beta 1.1 (Back in Beta since the Base is still a test Rom)

Genius Button mapped to the FB Button (Thanks Migueltherocker!)
Date and Time set to US Style
edited systemetcdhcpcddhcpcd.conf (oops, sorry mr.johnsexydavis911) (thanks Ogo2!)
Newer Superuser added
Removed Bootup Sound
Cleaned up files

Beta 1.0

Rebuilt from base Icon_G_hTC_Asia_ WWE_1.10.707.1
New Kernel (w00t thanks NBetcher) (please donate to him for all the work)
WiFi Works!
Removed Slate Skin for space
g Button mapped to search…for now
Japanese language added

Alpha 2.1:

JIT Enabled
tweaked build.prop
added Slate Skin from Wildfire S
Fixed English (Singapore) Default
Japanese language added

Alpha 1:

Initial Build using Icon_G_hTC_Asia_ WWE_1.10.707.1

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