orkillakilla has released an update to KillaSense. The latest version is now 2.6.
This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Thunderbolt: Verizon Thunderbolt
Changelog 10/18
Removed theme to keep stock Sense
Updated to leankernel 4.0.1GBtest
Kept overscroll glow but changed to Gingerbread green
Added Voicemail Notification fix (credit to erishasnobattery. Let me know if it works, I use Google Voice)
Added VVM app backChangelog 10/7
Refined theme a lot:
SystemUI.apk (Status Bar)
Slightly themed the lockscreen
Changed to better bootanimationChangelog 10/3
Removed GPS icon from status bar (thanks to Ryanmo5 and Adrynalyne)
Clock app is back in launcher (also thanks to Ryanmo5 and Adrynalyne)
Some minor theming
Added overscroll glow (Thanks to seilent for pointing me in the right direction, and thanks to himynameisiknow for the png`s)
Changed HTC wallpapers
Changed bootanimation
Removed HTCLoggers.apk (I care about your privacy)
Things to do:
Refine theme a bit
Add voice mail notificationBugs
Only bug I know of is in the theme. Some popup menu text can`t be seen. I`m going to change the background color of the popup menus to some shade of grey.
Head over to orkillakilla ‘s CommunityRelease Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.
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