raffaele88 has released an update to Batista70. The latest version is now 3.7.2.
This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100
Changelog 3.7.2
Recompiled and optimized framework
Fixed the delay of the home button
Fixed the color from green to blue when you press a contact in address book
Updated email praviacy
Sms taken in the registries
Added ninphetamine 2.1.1 kernel as default
Added new market 3.1.3
Adding Keyboard gingerbread
Added blue icons (wifi signal) when accessing the Contact google
Apk changed Gtalk (hoping to have the icons and colored gray)
Added some default background wallpaper in the gallery
Added bluetooth file transfer for those who have problems with bluetooth
Added my backup
Added EDT tweaks
Added HTC lockscreenChangelog 3.7.1
No wipe (but I would recommend doing the wipe as ITV CSC installs by default, is now KOR)
Adding Email Thus mod ur email.apk can bypass the security requirement for Exchange Server
Gmail updated to the latest version
Maps updated
Added Samsung-WatherClock
Adding Swype multilenguages
Added the DATA button in the dropdown menu transparency
Added new market
Youtube app updated
Batista70Phone app updated
Ram tweaks added by Juwe11
Framework compressed and fix off-Old TV (now is not pixel)
Added Scroll over Blue
Fix GtalkChangelog 3.6
No wipe (but I recommend to make the wipe before installing)
New Script for backup batterystats.bin (for wipe)
New bootlogo(The custom bootlogo ONLY works when the yellow triangle is NOT shown, in situations where the phone shows the yellow triangle screen, it will override the custom bootlogo){The original will be restored when you flash a new stock ROM via Odin}
New Hellcat`s Root Kernel – v1.22 CIFS and CWM link thread
BLN work
New app_process and system_server from 2.3.5
Restore bootanimantio 3.4
New theme Phone.apk
Add MIUImisicPlayer
Mms.apk mod
* no auto converting messages to MMS after 4 SMS.
* possible to add to the message 200 contacts instead of 20 contacts.
* display sent time instead of the received time
Script fix speed SD-Card
NEW SWYPE 3.5 with MULTI LANGUAGE CREDIT BADMANIA98, languages supported is Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, EnglishUK, EnglishUS, Estonian, Finnish, French, FrenchCH, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, PortuguesePT, Romanian, Russian, SerbianLA, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian (THANK BADMANIA98)
When you install new ROM comes up it will (esp. at the first time) stay in the bootanimation for quite some time -. this is normal and to be expected!
The phone will eventually reboot again (2 times also normal!)
Now you have new logo and your ROM work fineChanhelog 3.5 Returns
No Wipe
Add service.odex for BLN stock sms ( CF-ROOT not support BLN)
New Wallpaper
New bootanimation
Add app to convert all apk to ODEX Thans PAUL Modaco
Insert in SDCARD Ninphetamine kernel if you want flash with CWM app
Add widger pickerChanhelog 3.5
No Wipe
CF-ROOT by Chainfire
Gtalk Video
Fix icon red on phone
Fix kies
Add Program monitor
Add TouchWiz 4.5 costumize
New Youtube app Thanks Criskelo
For text messages are not displayed in the call logChangelog 3.4
New kernel Angelom 15:
•Based on the latest sources for Samsung + fix reboot
•enabled ThumbEE
•Enabled by default BFQ V2 I / O scheduler (possible noop, deadline, CFQ, BFQ)
• Ability to overclock and undervolt with SetCPU (up to 1600MHz)
• Plate Voltage adjustable via SetCPU (up to 1.5 volts)
• BLN enabled (activated by the application BLN Control)
• Posted CIFS module
• SLQB Allocator patch
• Posted module tun.ko
• Added initramfs XXKG6
• Posted Speed ??Tweak v3 jhash
•Submissions Memory and Battery Tweak
•Battery Fix
• All Changelog Thunderbolt 14
Added Lockscreen Jkay (3)
New status bar trasparent backgroung
Added Status bar extended
New app torch “zeuBug”
New lockscreen (Micheal Jackson)
Added CWM appChangelog 3.3
Added NEW transitions in Framework
-New loockscreen functions (thanks to _JKay_)
# Slide left to launch Camera application
# Slide up to launch stock Music application
# Slide down to launch stock FM Radio application
# Slide right to Unlock
Added Exthend menu (thanks _jkay_)
New popupChangelog 3.1
New Kernel Thunderbolt
Added NEW transitions in Framework
Fix Bug lockscreen music
-New loockscreen functions (thanks to _JKay_)
# Slide left to launch Camera application
# Slide up to launch stock Music application
# Slide down to launch stock FM Radio application
# Slide right to Unlock
Added Exthend menu (thanks _jkay_)
New popup
New StatusBar (nore Beautifull)
Added Google serch trasparent
Widget wather trasparent
New Wallparer in SDCardChangelog v2.2
-No Wipe
–Browser Odex No Lag with acceleration (thanks LeoMar75 for Idea)
-Framework odexed
-Framework fixed music lockscreen
-Samsung App work now (if No work install this FIX alfer flash ROM)
-E-mail work
-New Angelom Kernel 6.0 (XXKG1 CWM with undervolt for power saving, Multi-touch sensibility fix + cifs Module and Scheduler Deadline.
-New Wallpaper
-Added extended power menu (Thanks _Jkay_)
-No OverscrollSorry
Changelog v2.1
-Rewritten the Script FULL No Wipe in the Meta-Inf
-Added more Scripts for clean ROM
-New color dialer (white)
-Added patch file host (thanks Vincenzo91)
-Applied TouchScreen Fix
-Phone.apk with no-increasing ringtone
-Added Overscroll glow White
-WiFi scan interval to save battery
-New Market
-Framework re-colpiled and optimize
-Blue Line Added (instead of the green)
-Widget Email trasparent
-Widget Google trasparent
-New Wallpaper
-Added Fix Browser
-New Kernel for battery save “Backslash” CF-ROOT
-Removed BootSound
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