
ROM – @Rodriguezstyle RoDrIgUeZsTyLeT MIUIMOD v3.4.1 for HTC Nexus One/ Google Nexus One

RoDrIgUeZsTyLe has released an update to RoDrIgUeZsTyLeT MIUIMOD v3.4.1. The latest version is now v3.4.1.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Nexus One: Google Nexus One

Untitled document

RoDrIgUeZsTyLe™ MIUIMOD v3.4.2 D2EXT Changelog (Working on it at the Moment !!!) :

– D2EXT Script Updated to the New,Safer,Faster & Hard to Find v9.3 Version by ownhere 
– New Patched GB Miui with Full sync off (much better Performance in Apps that using SQLite)
– Better BusyBox implementing (Newest Version)
– Optimized Batterylife via New Script by franciscofranco Thank´s
– New Full Working SD Tweakz v2 Script by ungaze
– Download Speed Wifi & Data Tweaked to the Maximum
– New Default/OnBoot CPU Scale Settings.. to work better with setCPU or SS4N1 please use only one of these OC/UV Tools
– Mad Performance Now Fast & Smooth like no other N1 Rom
– Format all ext Partitions with Parted Magic and Wipe Data/Cache & Dalvik Cache the !!! Last Time… i think this D2E version will be the Future

RoDrIgUeZsTyLe™ MIUIMOD v3.4.1 D2EXT Changelog:

– Rom Updated to Miui 1.5.27 (with Fixed MMS Bug) Multipack by XJ
– Auto Screen Rotation Tweaked up to 2-3 seconds in all Modes
– Improved Network Speed
– Improved Media Compatibility
– New Miui-Spare-Parts Version
– Wifi Login “Popup” Letter Color Fixed in my Black Theme
– LauncherPro Updated to v0.8.6 (Speedup Fixes & Changed Icons + New Froyo Dock bg) 
– Two New inbuild Widget Themes for LauncherPro “Plus” users (Sense Theme & Black/Orange Theme)
– New Launcher “Hard to Kill” Settings
– Framework theme_values.xml cleaned
– MIUIMOD Dark Theme is nearly 100% Compled Now
– some Updater Script Fixes
– Last D2E Update to a Full working D2EXT Script by ownhere
– New: SS4N1 Updated
– New: Miui-Spare-Parts installing on first Boot Fix
– New: MD5 Mismatch Fixed
– Install Notes: Please read the D2E HowTo again New Partition Layout needed 128 MB Linux Swap is needed

RoDrIgUeZsTyLe™ MIUIMOD v3.3.3 FIX D2EXT Changelog:

– from XJ D2W Script to the official Nexus D2E v4 script changed
– MIUI A2SD Full Disabled (your ext4 partition is a part of the internal Phone Memory Now !!!)
– Tweaks Script Cleaned
– SD Speedup Fix Reworked
– Rom needs 5 min. to be 100% after the first Boot
– Fast & Stable again (sorry for my first D2W Releases & the bad support for it.. Thank´s to Doc for helping !!!)
– Full Wipe & Fresh Partitions Recommended
– FIX VERSION: Missed /Data Apps Fixed

Head over to RoDrIgUeZsTyLe’s CommunityRelease Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.