
ROM – @Rodriguezstyle RoDrIgUeZsTyLeT MIUIMOD v3.5 for HTC Nexus One/ Google Nexus O ne

RoDrIgUeZsTyLe has released an update to RoDrIgUeZsTyLeT MIUIMOD v3.5. The latest version is now v3.5.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Nexus One: Google Nexus One

Untitled document

RoDrIgUeZsTyLe™ MIUIMOD v3.5 D2SD Changelog :

– Now Based on Miui 1.6.3 with XJ MultiLangPack
– Slow Screen Rotation Fix Reworked (2 sec. Now)
– NEW D2SD Script Faster,Saver,Stabler & Hard to make it work BasicScript Version by burstlam Modded & Optimized by me
– New Patched GB Miui with Full sync off (much better Performance in Apps that using SQLite)
– Better BusyBox implementing (Newest Version)
– Optimized Performance/Batterylife via New Script by franciscofranco & ungaze Thank´s
– Internal Memory Optimized
– Download Speed Wifi & Data Tweaked to the Maximum
– Full working Fix Super Permissions at Boot
– New Default/OnBoot CPU Scale Settings.. to work better with setCPU or SS4N1 please use only one of these OC/UV Tools
– Screen ON = smartass / Screen OFF = powersave
– Mad Performance Now Fast & Smooth like no other N1 Rom ( +/- 3000 Quadrant Points in Normal OC mode without killing Apps )
– Format all ext Partitions with Parted Magic and Wipe Data/Cache & Dalvik Cache!!! the Last Time… i think this D2SD version will be the Future
The New D2SD Version needs 2 Looong Bootups (Multiple Bootanimation Starts is Normal !!!) to be 100% Stable

Head over to RoDrIgUeZsTyLe’s CommunityRelease Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.