
ROM – @romanbb Bulletproof for HTC Sensation

EDT has released an update to Bulletproof. The latest version is now 1.4.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Sensation

1.4 - Sep 26
  • Added my Honeycomb lockscreen!
  • Added CIFS support (thanks to Leedroid for this one)
  • fixed camera shutter
  • upgraded to Superuser 3 final
  • fixed dice
  • added sysem_process binary from Honeycomb for extra smoothness
  • changed screenshot(power+home) location to /sdcard/screenshots
 1.3.1 - Sep 24
  • Upgrades errrday!
  • Fixed Clock FC
  • Cleaned up unused settings in Tweaks
  • Reverted to default battery bar
1.3 - Sep 23
  • Fixed power menu not displaying proper icons
  • Implemented initial framework for added more lockscreens
  • Choose your lockscreen from Tweaks > Lockscreen Settings
  • Fixed bug where you`d have to unlock your phone to answer a call with custom lockscreens 😉
  • Reverted back to STOCK 2.3.4 kernel in order to minimalize ROM-related reported problems
  • (I suggest you go install Faux`s anyways, I will be)
  • 7zipped(like a pro) Android unlock images in framework to match Gingerbread ones
1.2.1 - Sep 22
  • new Android market included (3.1.5)
  • potentially fixed harmless, random system FC (will try and do incremental upgrades from now on if it`s fixed)
  • added LED Torch option to quick settings (hide in Tweaks if you dislike it)
  • added ability to hide alarm clock icon in Tweaks > Clock Options
  • stock kernel available from mods section below if you want to flash it
  • Beats addon available through Bloater
  • Regular apps coming to Bloater soon, don`t use it for apps yet (the 1.45 category)
1.2 - Sep 21
  • new Tweaks option! Ability to hide any extended settings you don`t want to show
  • Using better autobrightness settings (thanks omar302)
  • Added transparency to Rosie app drawer (also unbroke it ;))
  • added ro.HOME_APP_ADJ=1 to keep launcher in RAM
  • added two tweaks to increase JPEG quality
  • fixed duplicate build prop settings (now more tweaks should be actually working)
  • added ext4fs optimizations
  • fixed all strange FC issues from 1.0
-- I`ve rewritten a lot of the code for quick settings in Java, so that means I`m almost limitless in what I can do with it now. Feel free to make any reasonable suggestions for them!

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