
ROM – @runuh Virtuous Fusion MT4G v1.0.7 for HTC Glacier/T-Mobile myTouch 4G

eViL_D has released an update to Virtuous Fusion MT4G v1.0.7. The latest version is now v1.0.7.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Glacier/T-Mobile myTouch 4G

Untitled document


MOVED all APPS back to system (If you flash this, YOU MUST FULL WIPE (save yourself time and don`t even bother asking))
Trackpad wake (thx to -SNQ again & Jack_r1 for the tip)
Transparent Rosie (thx adulel08)
Fixed wifi/bt coexistence when both on
Updated kernel (Removed all symbols, LZO compression & compiled using 4.4.3 gcc)

Head over to eViL_D’s CommunityRelease Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.