
ROM – @samuel_hardiman HONEYMIUI V3.0 – 2.3.4 – 1.7.8 Stable for HTC Desire HD

samuel2706 has released an update to HONEYMIUI V3.0 – 2.3.4 – 1.7.8 Stable. The latest version is now 1.7.8.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Desire HD

Untitled document


+MIUI IS NOW STABLE! 1.7.8/2.3.4 +New kernel +New overclock daemon now works with 1.3ghz wake (on demand governor) +New drivers to fix the wifi and gps problems, should also fix battery drain due to including the working AICFIX (mic fix) fc before +Complete overhaul of theme, completely re-written everything has changed introducing HoneyMiui theme version 2.0 +Theme is now using a different compression method so applies 10x faster and is faster on a whole system level, drawing less resources +Battery life is majorly improved +Lockscreen is now honeycomb default with honeycomb clock +Graphical user interface is now rendered via the GPU instead of the CPU + Under-volt script removed due to bootloops, flash the under-volt script separately from killersloths addons +Entire launcher and status bar overhaul, the status bar is now honeycomb and the launcher is honeycomb +Icons are now honeycomb +Over scroll and items are all honeycomb +Problems within the font settings and the fonts being black on black or grey on grey have been completely fixed +Menu now has added options which include removal of the clock from the status bar and the operator from status bar pull down also many more things for example; customized toggles ; removal of more things from the status bar like usb mount, wifi, data etc... +Advanced Power Manager has been ported over from the beta releases to the stable version we have now +CRT Animation been fixed so it will turn on and off


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