
ROM – @TeamPhoenix Mosaic V for Samsung Galaxy S (i897)/ AT&T Captivate

TeamPhoenix has released an update to Mosaic V. The latest version is now V.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– Samsung Galaxy S (i897): AT&T Captivate

Untitled document


-JVP framework
-jk4 modem stock
-Darkcore Kernel
-Updated Themes Settings – 6 Lock screens and extended power menu
-Added EDT.apk for customizing notification bar (clock, battery, and signal options) 
-New MMS – unlimited recipients, unlimited sms…
-added Browser with useragent settings
-newly themed Swype keyboard
-added GB keyboard (blackout)
-added variety of fonts
-return of overscroll glow
-many ui visual upgrades… (settings, dialer, dropdown, etc….)
-phase two of Uniporn implementation complete


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