
ROM – @x1xmelvinx2x Galaxy Extreme Final 1 for Samsung Galaxy S/ T-Mobile Vibrant

bosina has released an update to Galaxy Extreme Final 1. The latest version is now Final 1.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– Samsung Galaxy S: T-Mobile Vibrant

Untitled document



This update is basicly based on looking
*rotary lockscreen from cm7, great looking
*some framework tweaks
*More theming from Xperia x10, x10 mini, x1
*Some pngs from the beast
*some other things i cant think of, it was gonna be my personal rom but desided to upload lol


*added fully working Aosp mms, shows new messages on lockscreen
*Added aosp sound recorder and removed voice recorder so when you choose sound recorder on mms app it dont fc
*Fixed email app by changing it for an aosp one, very nice
*replaced gallery3d for aosp gallery 3d, faster than any gallery, amazinggggg
*updated voodoo control app, flashplayer 10.3, and all others
*removed google docs
*removed layar
*removed adobe air
*removed arc wallpaper picker since it was empty
*removed lots of unused apps, you will notice
*replaced aosp music with a better one tweaked by untermech, thnks
*New aosp Browser, dammmm runs so smooth, and it doesnt show all those little squares like it used to
*Moved some apps from a place to another in case of factory reset
*found that the pulldown was not so smooth so made it smoother,
*New Pulldown
*power menu icons color changed
*More Xperia x10 icons, hit menu and will see, they were there before but not the same, this new ones are smaller and better made
*BTW both Twframework-res and framework-res changes…cant list them all
*Added Ecotox`s ssj Kernel, no oc, better battery, 332 ram
*builb.prop tweaks
*really clean rom now since i spent 2 days looking for uneeded things
*Some other tweaks i made to the rom, very smooth and fast, and now its lighter, dropped about 25 mb in trash….

Head over to bosina’s CommunityRelease Developer Homepage for more information and downloads.