
ROM – @x1xmelvinx2x Galaxy Extreme Final 2 for Samsung Galaxy S/ T-Mobile Vibrant

bosina has released an update to Galaxy Extreme Final 2. The latest version is now Final 2.

This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– Samsung Galaxy S: T-Mobile Vibrant

Untitled document



*Gallery3D back Because some fc in lockscreen wallpaper because of aosp gallery
*Restored TWmms because me> myself found that when you send images they show up like sent but the other person does not recieve them
*Changed Kernel From ssj To ssj3 with ability to OC to 1.3 Since ssj have some problems that my brother eco is fixing…
*Minimum Framework changes..
*Voice recorder Restored Back So No Fc when wanting to send a voice record by txt…


This update is basicly based on looking

*Removed some green color not to make something that hurts eyes lol
*rotary lockscreen from cm7, great looking
*some framework tweaks
*More theming from Xperia x10, x10 mini, x1
*Some pngs from the beast
*some other things i cant think of, it was gonna be my personal rom but desided to upload lol

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