
Root acquired on Transformer Prime via NachoRoot, makes me Hungry

Earlier today we found out that ASUS has every intention of releasing a tool to officially unlock the bootloaders on the Transformer Prime. They also made mention that Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) would be making its debut on the 12th of January. Now we have some new information that roots that snazzy new tablet courtesy of Justin Chase and the AndIRC team.

It isn’t for the faint of heart though. It will require you knowing enough to get ADB up and running as well as knowing how to type in lines of command. Although it is scripted for you to follow, it can still be a bit of headache for a first timer to the world of ADB. If you can follow rather simple instruction though, you should be able to get root on your Prime rather easily.

This does put the development community one step closer to bootloader unlock, a recovery and custom ROMs. Should be a very interesting next few weeks for the Prime. Especially when ASUS drops the Ice Cream Sandwich update ont he 12th. We look forward to seeing how far they can push these new Tegra 3 devices.

To get started on your Prime, head on over jcase’s thread over at RootzWiki.

Source: RootzWiki