
Rovio Stars Releases A New Game, Tiny Thief, A Stealth Game Of Small Proportions

tiny thiefThe Rovio Stars program, a publishing program designed to publish third-party games, has launched another game called Tiny Thief. The game puts you in the shoes of a…tiny thief and lets you solve puzzles on your way to stealing various objects. The game employs a very cartoonish art style, which looks very cute, and appears to be packed with multiple levels and lots of humorous encounters. Have a watch of a gameplay trailer below:

Hopefully the game will be updated with more levels as time goes on. Tiny Thief is available now on Google Play for $2.99 USD, which could be a steal depending on how addicted you get. See what I did there?

What do you think of Tiny Thief? Let us know if you pick the game up.

Source: GamesHQMedia via VG247


Game: Tiny Thief

Play Store Link

Price: $2.99 USD