
Rovio tweets image for Bad Piggies update Road Hogs

Rovio Bad Piggies Update Road Hogs
Rovio recently pushed out a tweet to indicate that a new addition to Bad Piggies would be ‘Coming Soon’. You can see in the image above that it doesn’t offer a whole heck of a lot of information. One could assume that the piggy racing along with a checkered flag should indicate some sort of racing style addition. Maybe building your little contraption car and trying to beat other pigs to the eggs. It could just simply be a racing themed update with no racing required.  Who really knows, besides the guys at Rovio of course.

We will be keeping our peels for the update for you guys and let you know what it turns out to be when it lands. Anyone out there excited for another set of Bad Piggies levels?

Source: @Bad Piggies via OMG! Droid