
Rumor Confirmed? ASUS Transformer Prime will get Ice Cream Sandwich in January

ASUS Transformer Prime Ice Cream Sandwich

ASUS has apparently confirmed that the hotly anticipated Transformer Prime will ship with Android 3.2 (Honeycomb), but will likely receive an update to Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) sometime in January. This news comes to us on the heels of yesterday’s report that Chinese tablet manufacturer had squashed rumors of another delay, and that the tablet was still on schedule for a December 19 release date.

The US retail stock of the Transformer Prime has already begun running low, according to merchant reports, which is highly reminiscent of what happened when the original Eee Pad Transformer was first released, back in April. It’s not surprising either — the device looks to be one of the hottest things since sliced bread, with its quad-core processor and all the other goodies jam-packed into the device.

We’ll be keeping our eyes and ears peeled for the Prime to hit the streets. When it does, you’ll be the first to know. Stay tuned!

Source: Digital Versus