
[Rumor] Google Glass thought to go for $300 at Launch

Google Glass
Be it good or bad, a new report is surfacing that is suggesting that Google Glass could land for about $300 when it does finally go to the public. The report comes from Taiwan’s Topology Research Institute.  Obviously the institute isn’t Google, so it is very much so speculation and guessing. With Google announcing last month that they were buying 6.3% stake in Himax Display, which is the company that makes the Liquid Crystal on Silicon chips and modules that are used in devices like Google Glass and head-up displays, it does make some sense. The parts from Jimax would cost between $30 and $35 and be the biggest expense of the units.

“We believe wearable devices will face the first wave of growth in the coming one to three years due to their innovative features, and will then experience a rapid growth in the next phase when the market becomes more mature,” Tsai said.

We all know that right now you need a spare $1,500 and to be accepted into the Glass Explorers program. Or at the very least, have a friend who has a pair and suck up to them to invite you in. One could look at that who program as a sort of Kickstarter really. Not that Google needs the money, but still, Google Glass is still new enough and exclusive enough that people will pay. Having your very own early version of Glass still makes you part of the super cool elites. We have all seen prototype devices and reference tablets with whopping price tags that were later brought to a much more consumer friendly price tag.

There is always that issue of Glass being banned in places all over the world too. While that aspect won’t change, and we are sure that they will get banned in many more places once they are out for public consumption, we still wonder how many people will be pre-ordering them on launch day. A $300 price point does make it more realistic for more people to pick up a pair. Personally I am a bit more interested in the watches.

Sound off down below if you feel this could be a reality and if you are already saving the change in your couch cushions.  Don’t forget, this is purely speculation and chatter. Take it with a half of grain of salt if you must.

Via AndroidHeadlines