
Rumor: HTC M7 might launch as the HTC One

More rumors are surfacing about the upcoming HTC M7 device. We are all expecting it to be officially announced later this month during HTC’s press conference set to happen prior to Mobile World Congress. The latest little bit of information is aimed at the devices proper name. The M7 is now, apparently, going to simply be called the HTC One. This comes from a tweet that was pushed out by @evleaks. That particular twitter account is usually pretty reliable about this sort of thing, but we will still keep as rumor and food for thought at the moment.

HTC M7 to be HTC One
Is it the right move though? It very well could be. I have mixed thoughts and feeling about it though. Primarily because there are already so many HTC One variants floating about with the One X, One X+ One V and One S. Looking at how Samsung is doing things and the success they are having with their company, it could be the exact move HTC needs to make. Keeping the One branding and making it a long-term flagship device. Just like the Galaxy S, S II and S III. Get my drift? Samsung has plenty of other devices out there with the Galaxy branding, but attach a name in place of the S. If it came as the M7 then the next flagship version would either have to be the M8 or a M7 II, neither of which sound very appealing to me. Then again, HTC One II seems a bit off. Maybe they will go with HTC Two. HTC needs to do something to keep people buying. Getting a flagship device with a long-term name that can stick with people is a good step in that direction. I really kind of like the M7 name though.

What are your thoughts on this? Does it make more sense, pun intended. Will it help HTC to gain a solid foothold in the market?

Source: @evleaks 

Thanks Dave