
[Rumor] LG Nexus to be available Oct 29th for $399

It is hard not to jump on the Nexus rumor bandwagon. It is pretty much on every tech site and blog across the internet. We have seen everything from the OS version it is running, specs, pictures and plenty more. We have seen the out cry over the 8GB storage talks and the battle between people and how its ugly and sexy. There is so much more floating around though. Phonearena has a few little things in a recent article that we thought you guys might like to add to your LG Nexus rumor folder too.

Some of this might be new news to you and to other die-hard web surfers, not so much. Lets break it all down in some easy to read and see bullet points.

  • The new Nexus from LG is shaping up to called the LG Nexus 4. While the name might not be an attention grabber, it serves its purpose for now. It is possible that they will just leave it as the LG Nexus, which would be just fine by us.
  • Allegedly the device is only going to have a GSM option at launch with no LTE radios inside. Not having an LTE radio inside will keep costs down but limit marketing for the device. With many pre-paid company’s running on GSM though, there is still a great market for the device.
  • It is suggested to be launched on October 29th to the Play Store for direct no-contract purchasing.
  • Sources have tipped that the price tag for the LG Nexus 4 will be $399.99 at launch.

We are sure the lack of LTE radios is going to get some of your juices flowing. All things considered it isn’t that big of an issue. The Galaxy Nexus sold through the Play Store now is GSM only. It just makes sense and isn’t cause for alarm. There could be a LTE branded version available at some point, or if other rumors are true then maybe one of the other OEM’s has that handled already.

As for the tipped price tag, it fits amazingly well for $399.99. If the LG Nexus 4 does hit on Oct 29th, then we should also see a price reduction for the Galaxy Nexus. It is currently selling at $349.99 with its major perk being directly from Google. The hardware on the other hand is getting a little older. A new Nexus with a quad-core Qualcomm S4 Pro processor is definitely going to be amazing, especially running a pure Google experience and carrier / OEM bloatware free. There are other factors to consider, such as a typical unlocked device runs in to the $600 rage in most cases or the fact that even the Galaxy S III on T-Mobile with a new contract is still sitting at $279.99. That, in my opinion is absurd.

The only hard decision that many will have to make is the storage option. With talks of this landing with 8GB of internal storage does keep price down, just barely, but isn’t even the normal standard for today’s devices. 16GB is more normal. Google pulled off the 8GB with the Nexus 7 tablets and we have seen plenty of people not happy about that. Without an external storage card slot you will be rather limited to what is on board and what you can push to the cloud. Google is pushing hard to get the cloud to be how life is run. Google Books, Google Magazines, Google Play Movies and TV shows and Google Drive are all examples of what they are doing. Getting people to be less reliant on device storage and more reliant on their services, Wi-Fi and your data plan. Not their fault if you like to go camping in the hills and have no service and can’t watch a movie.

October 29th is coming pretty quickly and if the speculations and rumors work out to be true, we will all know what the plan is then. Until then lets just keep an open mind and put all these tid bits into our ‘rumors’ folder.

Source: Phonearena

Image source: Onliner