
RUMOR: RAGE Headed To Android

We all waited impatiently for Angry Birds to get ported from iOS to Android and as we have all seen it was a HUGE success. John Carmack demoed his game RAGE on an iPhone 4 not too long ago, if you missed it take a look.

Its a pretty good looking game. The only information we have on RAGE coming to Android is a simple tweet from John him self:

I’m going to regret having “ios” in all my type names when I port Rage Mobile to Android.

If and when this gets brought to Android it will be pretty amazing. Hopefully it will help convince more 3d gaming developers to start producing more high end games for us. I’ll be keeping an eye out for this and of course you will be the first to know the second anything changes or happens.

How many of you guys would love to see this game or at least more high end 3D games for your device.

Source: Androidheadline