
Rumor: T-Mobile is About to Make a Big Comeback

We have heard from a very reliable source that T-Mobile has about 15 new phones they will be rolling out over the next two months. Half of them are said to be devices that will make the Vibrant, currently their flagship phone, look as though it is somewhere in the middle of the pack. UMA is headed to a few, and 2 of the phones are said to have processor speeds over 1GHZ. With the G2 scheduled to hit the shelves on October 6th, T-Mobile seems to be aligning themselves nicely for a big push in the fourth quarter, aka the big Christmas shopping season. They are definitely becoming a major force as one of the top 4 U.S. carriers with an increasing portfolio of high-end devices that have great hardware specs, along with competitive plans that offer the consumer a multitude of options. Thinking of jumping ship? T-Mo is looking more and more like a very attractive option!

Will your dream phone be among the 15?