
[Rumor] T-Mobile thinking of bringing an unlimited 4G data plan to Customers?

Rumors can sometimes be true, sometimes be false and sometimes just made up entirely just for sh!t’s and giggles. Of course we wouldn’t make one up just because. It does however look like T-Mobile might be thinking it is time to bring back unlimited data to their customers. Not the unlimited plans they have now that slow your connection after 5 or 10 gigbytes. More so a truly unlimited, uncapped and unthrottled type. The rumor of this being talked about has been around for a little while, but physical evidence has been elusive.

Now it would appear that there is a survey floating around to some T-Mobile customers with a new data plan name, a essay section and a few choices to choose from for answers. Not that this is concrete proof that T-Mobile will bring something like this to the tablet this month, next month or even this year. At least they are polling people to see if the name of the plan makes sense and is not confusing to anyone. The name means to us an unlimited, unthrottled, uncapped 4G data plan. Is that what they are going for? We certainly hope so.

Unfortunately that is all we have to go on for the moment. There aren’t any hints of a release date or potential pricing. It would sure be nice to see unlimited data plans make their way back though. Any thoughts out there on this? Is it a Hoax to begin with? Is T-Mobile gauging the interest, or is T-mobile looking to make a bold move in the wireless data options they provide? Anyone out there see a message like this?

Source: Tmonews