• News
  • 12 August, 2010

RUMOR: T-Mobile’s First HSPA+ Device G1 Blaze/HTC G2

There is a lot of rumors floating around about which device will be T-Mobile’s first HSPA+ device. The MyTouch HD, HTC Desire HD, HTC Vision/G1 Blaze come to mind when each of us try to predict T-Mobile’s next big device. According to a source, the first HSPA+ release from T-Mobile will be the HTC Vision/G1 Blaze, but in honor of the T-Mobile G1 which was recently retired, the device will be called the HTC G2. The HSPA+ site has already gone live so an announcement must be coming soon. Our source also informed us that the processor for the HTC G2 will be 800MHz and not the 1GHz that was previously rumored for this device. The device will also be running the stock Vanilla UI on top of Froyo. Our source doesn’t think that the information could change, but we all know how that works. We must reiterate, rumors are nothing more than what they are, just rumors.

image source: engadget

Thanks BobbyDigital!

Do you think that the HTC G2 is as innovative and unique and worthy enough to be called the G2? Let us know in the comments below.