
[RUMOUR] Is Google readying a Nexus 8 made by ASUS?

nexus 8Late last year, a lot of noise was made when a suspicious looking tablet appeared on Google‘s own website. While the tablet did somewhat resemble the 2013 Nexus 7, the bezel width suggested that the screen of that tablet was closer to 8 inches. And so began the rumour of the Nexus 8, for which we’ve really not had any evidence to believe it even exists. Until now…

According to DigiTimes, the 2013 Nexus 7 has not been performing as well as its predecessor, the original 2012 model, which has caused Google to change tack and instead move to developing an 8-inch Nexus tablet, aimed at release in mid-2014, which will presumably be called the Nexus 8.

And the rumoured manufacturer of this mysterious Nexus 8? Why none other than Nexus 7 manufacturer ASUS. It makes sense considering the Google and ASUS partnership has already had two successful outings to date. The source of the rumour also suggests that Google may be looking at Intel‘s Bay Trail-T platform to power the tablet.

That’s definitely an interesting rumour to digest: would you be willing to get an ASUS-made Nexus 8 if it were ever released? Let us know what you think.

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Source: DigiTimes via CNET Australia