
[RUMOUR] Will We See A New Nexus 10 On Cyber Monday?

nexus 10 on cyber mondayThere has been speculation for quite some time now that Google has been preparing a new Nexus 10 to update its 10-inch tablet offering from last year, though there has been precious little hard evidence to support any of the rumours. Even the manufacturer of the tablet itself is still being argued, though LG appears to be the frontrunner in this category, ahead of ASUS. There have also been suggestions that Google will be phasing out the 10-inch form factor in favour of a 8- or 9-inch offering, though none of this is concrete or provable at this time.

With all things considered, there has been only one irrefutable fact that has come out of all this: the 16GB model of the Nexus 10 has been sold out on the Google Play Store in America; according to TechnoBlimp, a Google representative has said that it “does not plan to restock the device once it sells out”. Whether this actually means the Nexus 10 will be replaced or dropped is still up in the air, however the last time we heard that line used, and if we use the Nexus 4 as a precedent, it’s definitely a possibility that a replacement Nexus 10 (or Nexus 8/9) is waiting in the wings.

There is one last rumour that is particularly interesting and supports the timely selling out of the old Nexus 10: the rumour suggests that the new Nexus 10, rumoured to be powered by a Snapdragon 800 processor, 2560×1600 display and Android 4.4 KitKat, will be released quietly on Cyber Monday. I guess we’ll only have a few hours to wait and see if this rumour is true, but the timing could be perfect for Google as people start madly shopping for stocking-stuffing gifts.

What do you think about these rumours: do you think we’ll see a new Nexus 10 on Cyber Monday? Let us know what you think.

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Source: Reddit via TechnoBlimp