
Rumoured LG G Watch 2 is a “serious game changer”, coming at IFA 2014

LG G Watch 2I’m not sure what to make of this news, but here it is anyway. The Korea Times is reporting that LG is likely poised to announce a new wearable at IFA 2014, what they are calling the LG G Watch 2. This comes not even 2 months after the original LG G Watch was announced and released alongside the Android Wear wearable operating system. The device is allegedly a “serious game changer”, one which LG has been working on since Android Wear’s announcement and has targeted September for release.

What changes might come in the G Watch 2 aren’t immediately clear from the report, but it does say that the screen will be an OLED display, differing from the IPS LCD of the original G Watch. Interestingly, The Korea Times claims the G Watch 2 might not even make a public appearance as “LG Electronics is being approached by a lot of authoritative watchmakers for strategic collaboration”, which implies LG may be looking for a suitor to help them design the outside of the G Watch 2. Whatever the case, IFA 2014 is right around the corner so we’ll see if any of these rumours are true.

What do you think about the news about a LG G Watch 2? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: The Korea Times via Phone Arena